Monday, May 10, 2004

Blogger's new stuff

The new interface may take some getting used to, but hasn't managed to completely turn me off yet.

The new block quote feature could come in handy.

The irony of their adding comments right after I started with Haloscan is not lost on me. However, their requirement of logging in before posting comments seems troublesome enough that I'm not inclined to switch just yet. I'll watch Grasshopper's experience with the Blogger comments with interest to see what develops. I'm inclined initially to view any additional barrier to commenting negatively, at least with comments at the level they are now. In a higher traffic environment (or faced with more hostile/spammish comments) I can see the value of registration, though. There's a post brewing somewhere here about the differences between blog communities and internet bulletin board communities, but I don't think I'll develop it tonight.

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